On Aug 27, 2008, at 1:19 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Craig Citro wrote:
>>>> Thoughts?
>>> I vote for fast.
>> I also vote for fast -- but couldn't there be a flag for the slow
>> option? Maybe "consistent=True" or something, in case someone really
>> wants it? I could at least imagine a case where someone might  
>> care, in
>> which case we might as well have the code there, since you've already
>> written it ...
> An example where this matters is if one has a dictionary where the
> matrices are keys. Thus if one keyed on sparse matrices, and tried  
> to look
> up based on a dense matrix, one would get a key error.
> I vote for both (if possible...).

I believe I have an algorithm to compute the hash of a matrix over GF 
(2) that should match the old hash and be (essentially) as fast as  
the new. I'll try and code it up tonight.

- Robert

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