On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 9:54 AM, Robert Bradshaw
> On Aug 27, 2008, at 1:54 PM, David Ketcheson wrote:
>> Thanks for the nice fix.  I've managed to break things in a new way:
>> sage: from sympy import Symbol
>> sage: x,y=Symbol('x',False),Symbol('y',False)
>> sage: 1/2+y*x
>> x*y + 1/2
>> sage: y*x+1/2
>> 1/2 + y*x
>> <<<
>> The 'False' argument to Symbol here means the symbols are non-
>> commutative.  Adding a rational breaks this, depending on the order of
>> addition.  Seems like this is more likely a Sympy bug than a Sage bug
>> though.
> Yes, I think this is a SimPy bug. It looks like GiNaC handles non-
> commutative symbols, so you could give that a try.

GiNaC does, but Burcin and I did not wrap that functionality
in GiNaC yet.


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