On Aug 28, 1:20 pm, "Stephen Hartke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Stephen,

> I've added my Python binding for nauty into Jason Grout's optional nauty
> spkg. (Jason: I hope that's okay.  Since the extension needs to include
> nauty and link against it, it seems simplest to include it in one package.)
> It can be downloaded athttp://www.math.unl.edu/~shartke2/files/nauty-24b7.spkg
> and sample usage files that call nauty for a Sage graph can be found 
> here:http://www.math.unl.edu/~shartke2/files/sagenauty.tar.bz2


> Both of these works are still preliminary, and I have questions about the
> best way to implement things. Specifically, I have a question about linking
> the extension:
> The Python extension is linked against nauty object files, and gcc complains
> these should be compiled with the flag "-fPIC" to make relocatable code.
> nauty does not have this flag normally, so I modified the makefile to add
> this flag using sed.  Is the right way to handle this problem?  Is it okay
> for the executables that Jason is installing in bin to be compiled with
> -fPIC, or should two separate compilings be done?

A fix that like should go upstream, but it is probably most easily
added by setting CFLAGS. If someone opens a ticket and links the spkg
there I can get it reviewed and hopefully merged soon.

> Thanks for any input!
> Stephen


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