On 23 Sep., 10:07, "John Cremona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2008/9/23 William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I still don't know if this is going to help the MACOS problem with my
> sll_finite_field odctest though!
> John

Hi all,

first some on-topic data:
on my PPC PowerBook with Mac OS X 10.4 (and now Xcode 2.5, too):
Sage 3.1.3.alpha0 builds fine, and I got the following "make testlong"

        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/calculus/calculus.py
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/crypto/mq/sr.py
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/dsage/dist_functions/
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/functions/piecewise.py
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/groups/perm_gps/partn_ref/
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/interfaces/psage.py
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix_symbolic_dense.pyx
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/
        sage -t -long devel/sage/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/sha.py

Nothing surprising here. The hope that by using Xcode 2.5 instead
Xcode 2.4.1 would make vanish some failures vanish, was in vain, but
at least it does not seem that something new crept in by that.

As noted elsewhere, some failures are the sporadic "Maxima crashed --
automatically restarting" thing, for which no ticket exists yet due to
no really good description existing yet (but see the other sage-devel
thread "test hang with 3.1.2").

In sr.py it is noted in the doctest that the doctest will fail on
boxes with 2 GB of RAM "only", so no surprise either (768 MB < 2 GB).

In dist_factor.py, we just run into "f.wait(timeout=60) # long time"
and consequently "raise RuntimeError('Maximum wait time exceeded.')",
I opened trac #4178 for this.

In "ell_finite_field.py", we run into some seemingly Mac OS X specific
problem (maybe only 10.4, not 10.5, I can't check that).
Since that problem, as seems obvious by now, has absolutely nothing to
do with ellipitic curves or the algorithms as such, I have opened two
trac tickets. One that changes the doctest so that it tests what it
shall, but does not run into this bug, trac #4179. And one ticket for
the bug proper: trac #4181 it is now. Is there a "system doctest" or
some file where one could put this, until one knows how to fix it?
(Then, the fix must be accompanied by the doctest, of course.)

Would you please review #4179? Having thought over it, I came up with
this splitting of the issue, and we should heal the ellipitc curves
doctest, while persecuting the bug on other grounds.

Finally, the doctest failures in sha.py and "elliptic_real_field"
should go away with the pari precision patch.

I'll open more tickets for other failures, as soon I can say for sure
"it' only timing" and have a new "good" timing constant.

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