On Oct 7, 10:20 am, "Georg S. Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,


I have been away for a while, so I am late to pipe in here: The
decision to just plain out refuse to build with MacPorts and/or Fink
in path was the result of tracking down a large number of mysterious
build issues over the last couple months which in the end were cause
in many cases by MacPorts and/or Fink. Many times the root cause for a
build failure is non-obvious and especially for upgraded builds or
updates from binaries rather exciting things go wrong. Since I am the
guy who ends up cleaning up the mess I will tell you that the refusal
is the only way to go. David Havey's memory about "make" always
working for him is hazy by the way since his Fink cause a clisp doc
related build failure (#3478).

> a solution which "removes unwanted directories from the paths(s)"
> would use something like (untested! I just 
> googledhttp://www.faqs.org/docs/abs/HTML/string-manipulation.html):
> path_to_clean = "$PATH"
> dylibpath_to_clean = "$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
> ${path_to_clean//"/opt/local"*:/""}
> ${dylibpath_to_clean//"/opt/local"*:/""}
> ${path_to_clean//"/sw"*:/""}
> ${dylibpath_to_clean//"/sw"*:/""}
> PATH = path_to_clean && export PATH
> DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = dylibpath_to_clean && export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
> But as I have been "seating myself between the chairs" already by
> reopening #4125,


> I kindly ask to use the opportonity of SD 10 to first
> sort out what exactly a potential enhanced fix is to achieve, before
> more work is invested.

We can go with something like that above, but that will also make some
people unhappy if we use it in sage-env. The issue is at build and
usually not at run time.

> Cheers,
> gsw


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