Thank you for your remarks, William.

By the way, M2 builds much more easily now, basically because it can,
if needed, build, and even download and patch for you, all the
libraries it depends on: singular-factory, singular-libfac, ntl,
frobby, pari, lapack, libgc, gmp, and mpfr.  Building seems flawless
now (since yesterday) on Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Cygwin, and Linux, and
I'll ensure it is flawless on Solaris when I get around to adding that
OS to our VirtualBox build farm.  Running "make check" also works.

Last July Gary Furnish and I worked together for a few days and made
the M2 1.1 spkg build under Solaris.  Making an M2 1.2 spkg work
during sd14 would be an easily achievable accomplishment for us.
There is no reason to make frobby, etc., into separate spkg's, as we
can just include the sources of such libraries in M2's sources, in the
directory BUILD/tarfiles, where it looks for them.  Moreover, in order
to make the M2 spkg build much faster, I have recently implemented a
new directory structure designed to support an idea discussed with
Gary, where we could also insert all the precomputed architecture-
independent files into the sources, in the directory BUILD/
CommonStagingArea.  That includes the documentation and the output
from running the examples from the documentation through Macaulay 2.
Those two additions to the M2 source tree would make a nice fat tar
file whose production, from the existing thin source tar file, could
be automated.
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