On Feb 21, 3:45 pm, John Cremona <john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the diagnosis and suggestions.  Evidently I did the upgrade
> from a clone, one I made yesterday to review one of those patches....
> Suggestion:  since the upgrade already gives a prompt and will not
> continue unless you reply "yes",  why not add to that prompt a line
> saying don't go any further unless you are not in a clone.  Even
> better, detect whether or not you are in a clone and quite if you are
> (if that is possible).
> I'm now doing an upgrade from my rc0 build, not from any clone, and
> we'll see what happens!

The upgrade failed in exactly the same way as above.  To recap:  I had
a working successful build of sage-3.3.rc0 and was in the main branch
(so starting sage did not give me a message about bing in a different
mercurial branch).  I typed "sage -upgrade" followed by "y" at the
prpmpt, and went to work on something else.  When I came back it had
finished, so I typed "sage" and got the error already reported:  the
banner still says rc0 and there's an error on startup, saying

 ImportError: libpynac-0.1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory
Error importing ipy_profile_sage - perhaps you should run %upgrade?
WARNING: Loading of ipy_profile_sage failed.

I particularly like the suggestion that my problem is to upgrade
(which does nothing, of course).

I am going to need a lot of persuading before trying an upgrade again,
which is a pity since I'll only have time to download and build sage
while at home for a while, and my internet connection is not so fast
in rural Warwickshire (especially when my daughter is watching TV on
her laptop!) so downloading the whole distribution takes a couple of


> John
> On Feb 21, 2:49 pm, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 6:36 am, Simon King <k...@mathematik.uni-jena.de> wrote:
> > > On 21 Feb., 15:27, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > > >  rm -rf devel/sage
> > > > oops:
> > > >   rm -rf devel/sage*
> > > > Note that this will nuke all your changes, but that should be fairly
> > > > obvious :)
> > > > >  ./sage -f spkt/standard/sage-x.y.z.spkg
> > > And I guess in the previous line it is spkg/standard/sage-x.y.z.spkg,
> > > not spkt/...
> > Yep, I saw that too late after I send the other correction and thought
> > it was so obvious that I did not need to send another email to correct
> > this. Well, it too two now ;)
> > > Cheers,
> > >  Simon
> > Let me drive home this point again: Aside from a very few cases where
> > a dependency problem cause build failures (i.e some spkg with
> > dependencies had unbumped dependencies or I did something else stupid)
> > I had never fail an upgrade for me from a clean tree to a clean tree.
> > If you have missing symbols like in this case that John describes the
> > root cause is nearly always a screwed up merge that can most often be
> > corrected my merging multiple heads and doing a Sage library build via
> > "sage -b".
> > To avoid failed merges don't develop in the tree you upgrade in, use
> > either a completely separate build tree to develop for example by
> > building your vanilla tree, then -bdist and use that tree in another
> > place to do work or use clones of the Sage library to do development.
> > Once you want to upgrade, switch back to main, upgrade, clone again
> > and import your changes from the old clone for development into the
> > newly cloned upgraded vanilla tree. Anything else will likely cause
> > pain and suffering unless you have excellent hg Merge-Fu.
> > Cheers,
> > Michael
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