excuse me guys, I didn't want to bother you with my long example (I
thought that could be a good idea to give something reproducible) ,
but can you at least tell me some reason why in my case the subs with
the dictionary is so slow (especially with respect to the substitution
with equations)?



On 23 Feb, 09:35, Maurizio <maurizio.gran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> People, please let me understand this! Let me give you my example so
> that you can help me recognizing where is my mistake
> I've this function:
> G_igr_d ( <class 'sage.calculus.calculus.SymbolicArithmetic'> )
> (2*Iin*rCb/Lf + 2*Vb/Lf)*(s*rCf*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) + s)/((rCf +
> Rs)*(s*((1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) + s)*(2*rCf*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> 2*Rs*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + rCf*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rLf/(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs) + 2*Iin*rCb*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> Rs*2*Iin*rCb/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + s) + Rs^2/((Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs))) - (2*Duty/Cb - 1/Cb)*(1/Lf - 2*Duty/Lf)*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) +
> s))) + Rs*s/((rCf + Rs)*(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(s*((1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) +
> s)*(2*rCf*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + 2*Rs*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> rCf*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> 2*Iin*rCb*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> Rs*2*Iin*rCb/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + s) + Rs^2/((Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs))) - (2*Duty/Cb - 1/Cb)*(1/Lf - 2*Duty/Lf)*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) +
> s)))) - 2*ILf*((2*Duty/Lf - 1/Lf)*rCf*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) + s)/((rCf +
> Rs)*(s*((1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) + s)*(2*rCf*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> 2*Rs*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + rCf*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rLf/(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs) + 2*Iin*rCb*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> Rs*2*Iin*rCb/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + s) + Rs^2/((Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs))) - (2*Duty/Cb - 1/Cb)*(1/Lf - 2*Duty/Lf)*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) +
> s))) - (1/Lf - 2*Duty/Lf)*Rs/((rCf + Rs)*(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(s*((1/
> (Cf*rCf
> + Cf*Rs) + s)*(2*rCf*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + 2*Rs*rQ/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> rCf*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rLf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> 2*Iin*rCb*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + Rs*rCf/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) +
> Rs*2*Iin*rCb/(Lf*rCf + Lf*Rs) + s) + Rs^2/((Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs)*(Lf*rCf +
> Lf*Rs))) - (2*Duty/Cb - 1/Cb)*(1/Lf - 2*Duty/Lf)*(1/(Cf*rCf + Cf*Rs) +
> s))))/Cb
> and
> params = [
> rCf == 1*m_, Cf == 4.7*u_,
> rCb == 10*m_, Cb == 22*u_,
> rLf == 1*m_, Lf == 1.65*m_,
> rQ == 10*m_,
> Iin == 300/400,
> Rs == 0.2,
> Vrms == 220,
> Vgr_pk == 220*sqrt(2),
> ]
> paramsd = {
> "rCf" : 1*m_, "Cf" :4.7*u_,
> "rCb" :10*m_, "Cb" :22*u_,
> "rLf" :1*m_, "Lf" :1.65*m_,
> "rQ" :10*m_,
> "Iin" :300/400,
> "Rs" :0.2,
> "Vrms" :220,
> "Vgr_pk" :220*sqrt(2),
> }
> NOTE: the m_, u_, etc. are just the multipliers previously defined in
> a .sage file (m_ = 1e-3, u_ = 1e-6, etc.)
> They are exactly the same subset
> If I do
> time dizSub = G_igr_d.subs(paramsd)
> CPU time: 14.40 s,  Wall time: 31.44 s
> time G_id = subList(G_igr_d,params)
> CPU time: 1.17 s,  Wall time: 5.59 s
> Why is it so? Please note that this has been done with SAGE : 'SAGE
> Version 3.1.2, Release Date: 2008-09-19'
> I've tried out this at home (but with simpler expressions) with the
> latest SAGE, and the subs with the dictionary actually was faster.
> Thank you
> Maurizio
> On Feb 21, 4:48 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 2009, at 3:30 AM, Maurizio wrote:
> > > That was the way I used to do it when I discovered the solution_dict
> > > param.
> > > So, I started using the dictionaries to do substitution even in
> > > complex expressions... The result was to wait so much time!
> > > On the contrary, I found that the subs(expr, x=<value>) was SOOOO much
> > > faster (are the dictionaries so slow to deal with?).
> > > So, I implemented a subList function, where I can pass an expression,
> > > and a list of substitution, in the very same way that the solve()
> > > function returns the results.
> > > So, now I put all my subsets of numerical values in list like this:
> > > set = [x == 10, y == 20, z == 30, ...]
> > > and do the substitution like this:
> > > result = subList(expr, set)
> > > Within the function, I just iterate the subs(expr, x = <value>) on the
> > > number of list elements.
> > > This seems to me much faster than using dictionaries, especially for
> > > complex expressions.
> > If this is the case, this is clearly a bug.
> > - Robert
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