On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> Another thing --- I'd like to create some repository with my packages,
>>> so that people can just "sage -i" install them, without having to
>>> first wget all the spkg and install them manually. So I thought I
>>> would get my packages to sage experimental, but is there any procedure
>>> for that?
>> A while ago I added a feature so one can do
>>   sage -i http://url.to.an.spkg/anywhere/on/the/net
>> and sage will download the spkg and install it.  That might be good for
>> you so that users do *not* have to use wget (which they might not
>> have, e.g., it isn't on OS X).
> This is really helpful. I just posted the spkg to our google code page
> and then it can be installed with:
> MAKE="make -j9" sage -i http://qsnake.googlecode.com/files/openmx.spkg

If building openmx really benefits from "make -j" you might consider
putting something clever in spkg-install to detect "available cores" and
maybe build using them...

> Well, not now, because I haven't yet updated the g95 problem that
> Michael just helped me fix and google code is read only now for
> maintenance. :( I think I depend too much on google, when I needed to
> send an important email, gmail went down for couple hours and I was
> literally stuck and had to use some other webmail.

You should use Sage in such cases.  Type

 sage: email?

for more details.   That uses Twisted behind the scenes.

> One more question: -- I am trying to take sage-3.3.tar and strip it
> from unnecessary spkgs that I don't need -- seems to me that I can
> just delete them? I am learning the dependencies in
> spkg/standard/deps, because it's a bit tricky -- as my first attempt I
> deleted almost everything and it didn't build, so now I am more
> careful. I want to create some minimal build, so that people can take
> it (hopefully it will be just couple MB) and then install only
> packages that they need. I will be experimenting some more with this,
> until I figure it out.
> Ondrej

Go for it.  That's an awesome idea.  We should make this more
generically do-able though.

This reminds of how Debian is a Linux distribution that dozens
(hundreds?) of other custom Linux distributions derive from.  Sage
could be the same.  That would be cool.


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