I'd like to stay on-topic, but at the same time I'd like to ask you if
it's any interest for us (SAGE users) the Poor Man's integration in


[ I'm referring to this, since this integration formula seems to be
one of the most important goals of Pynac ]

It seems that there's a contribute by Ondrej Certik to it, who seems
to be an important member of this community.

Well, how do we take advantage of it from SAGE? The bug seems fixed in
sympy, so I don't know whether this function has been included in
SymPy, but it doesn't appear between the available functions if SymPy
has been imported.

Otherwise, can this be implemented based upon the code suggested in
that issue? Maybe also in Pynac, if it does make sense? As I already
said in this group:


I would love to have something like this or anything else (I mentioned
the Post integration formula) to enhance the laplace transform (which
is really important to me)



On 7 Mar, 22:17, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 7 Mar 2009 01:19:05 -0800 (PST)
> clinton bowen <clinton.bo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I tried some Cosine Transforms found in the book 'Handbook of Integral
> > Equations' by  Andrei D. Polyanin and
> > Alexander V. Manzhirov into sage and I found that sage was not able to
> > perform these integrals.
> As Robert Dodier already pointed out, some examples would be helpful.
> > I guess my questions are:
> > How powerful is the integrate() function or how well versed is the
> > integrate() in sage?
> > What is being done to improve the integrate() ?
> > Is there something that I could do to help this coming summer to
> > improve it?
> As already mentioned, at the moment Sage hands over all integration
> problems to Maxima. The long term plan is to have an independent
> implementation of integration in Sage. However, I don't think anybody
> is actively working on this. (Apart from some loose promises from some
> people I tried to coerce into this over time. :) )
> Thus, any help would be very much appreciated.
> The plan is to have an implementation of Manuel Bronstein's Poor Man's
> Integrator, and the heuristics in Maxima in the short term. Then start
> implementing the transcendental case of Risch. See here for some more
> information on the progress of symbolics in Sage:
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbolics
> You could start by writing down the heuristics used by Maxima
> mathematically, so we can see how useful they would be for us. It would
> also be good to look what axiom does in this area.
> > I'm a junior math major at CSUN.  It seems that my summer is going to
> > be empty and I'd like to challenge myself in something.  It looks like
> > the integrate() could be a challenge.
> It is a real challenge indeed. If you're interested in working on Sage
> and helping out with symbolics, you can also pick out other tasks from
> the list I mentioned above.
> For example, here is some more information on the "solve" function of
> Maxima, which I should have added to the wiki page much earlier.
> http://www.unk.edu/uploadedFiles/facstaff/profiles/willisb/solve-talk...
> Feel free to ask any questions to get started. I'm sure you've noticed
> this already, but people here are usually very supportive.
> Cheers,
> Burcin
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