Jaap Spies wrote:
> Jason Grout wrote:
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> Internal consistency is good, but consistency with the vast body of  
>>> mathematical literature out there is pretty valuable as well.
>> Yes, that is one reason why I am for having all multiplications denoted 
>> by "*".  Most students are familiar with this and expect this from their 
>> spreadsheets, calculators, etc.
> You missed the point here I suppose.
> Sin[x] will never show up in mathematical literature. The preferred
> notation is sin(x).

Yep.  My point was that I agree, evidenced by my preference for "*" for 
multiplication, since it is consistent with the vast body of 
computational systems out there (i.e., previous/future exposure for the 
student).  And to bring the discussion back to being remotely on-topic :).


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