On Mar 12, 2009, at 2:17 PM, Florent Hivert wrote:

>>> The very purpose of the category framework it to declare in a
>>> mathematical
>>> way, this that have a matematical meaning. In the case of a right
>>> action of A
>>> on B, on declare that B is a A-RightModule. It is much more
>>> informative by all
>>> respect than testing if a random element of A accept to be
>>> multiplied by a
>>> random element of B.
>> _rmul_ and _lmul_ are only tried if B is an A-module. (We don't (yet)
>> have the distinction between right and left modules, this is part of
>> where the "try it out" comes into play).
> Thanks for this explanation... Should I understand that once we had  
> the
> correct framework, these are supposed to disappear ?

They won't disappear--the coercion model will simply assume they're  
implemented and use them without trying them out first.

>> However, not all actions are module actions, e.g. a permutation
>> acting on an ordered list, or a matrix acting on a quadratic form (to
>> take two examples that I've been thinking about lately).
> Permutations acting on lists is not a module structure but this may  
> fits in a
> category of sets with a group acting on (G-set) no-linearity here.  
> For acting
> on plain list, (i.e. data structure I would rather not use "*" do  
> denote the
> operation).

BTW, We already have

sage: [1,10,100] * 5
[1, 10, 100, 1, 10, 100, 1, 10, 100, 1, 10, 100, 1, 10, 100]

(which is to be like Python) so there is some precedent. Perhaps a  
better example is an element of a galois group acting on a field.

- Robert

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