On Mar 22, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Henryk Trappmann wrote:

> On Mar 22, 3:45 pm, Carl Witty <carl.wi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You can get a nicer plot by either increasing the plot_points, or
>> decreasing the range:
>> parametric_plot((lambda x: arctan(x),lambda x:
>> arctan(x)**2),(-1000,1000),marker='.', plot_points=10000)
>> parametric_plot((lambda x: arctan(x),lambda x:
>> arctan(x)**2),(-10,10),marker='.')
> But I think that should be automatically handled by parametric_plot.
> You just can look at the angle at each inner point of the curve and if
> they are
> too much off from 180 degree you insert new points left and right of
> that point.
> Of course only if the points are not already close, to support non-
> smooth curves as well.
> I just wrote that myself. With the other advantage that also higher
> than float precision input works.
> It would be very cumbersome to manually adapt the number of
> plot_points for every single plot.
> And usually changing the range of a curve is not an option.

Do you mean something like http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/ 
3813 , and if so, why isn't this used by default?

- Robert

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