Henryk Trappmann wrote:
> On Mar 23, 8:57 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> wrote:
>> Do you mean something likehttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/
>> 3813 , and if so, why isn't this used by default?
> Ya thats for plot, I think we need a slightly different approach for
> parametric_plot.
> The common demand is that the curve shall look smooth where it is
> smooth.
> Verification example can be
> parametric_plot((lambda x: arctan(x),lambda x: arctan(x)**2),
> (-1000,1000))
> Implementation: insert points so long until the angles at each point
> only slightly deviate from 180deg, or (in the case of a kink) until
> the points are close enough. 0.1rad is a well looking maximum
> deviation from 180deg.

In order to avoid bogging down the computation, you can subdivide until 
you've hit some pre-determined maximum recursion level.  I believe that 
is how the plot() command works, giving an option to set that maximum 
recursion level.

I think this would be very nice for parametric_plot if it's not there 


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