William Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 12:09 AM, Dan Drake <dr...@kaist.edu> wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Apr 2009 at 09:41PM -0700, William Stein wrote:
>>> I'm going to write something to make it easier to grade say 20-30
>>> homework assignments that are turned in as sage worksheets.  If any of
>>> you reading this have also graded homework turned in as Sage
>>> worksheets, and have thoughts about how a nice workflow for doing this
>>> with the Sage notebook would work, please share them in this thread.
>> I am very interested in this, although I'm not sure the best solution to
>> this will be technical in nature.
>> A Sage worksheet has two aspects: first, it's like a source code file
>> that one can feed into a compiler or interpreter. So for that aspect,
>> we'd want to look at automated tools used by programming classes for
>> grading coding assignments.
>> The second aspect is that of a regular document, such as an HTML page or
>> LaTeX document. Grading this sort of thing is very much like grading
>> essays or papers in an English or writing class, which AFAIK is
>> un-automatable, unless one is using the staircase method. :)
>> The first aspect can be automated, but it depends on what's in the
>> worksheet. What's in these homework assignments?
> I answer this later in the thread, but I'm not currently at all
> interested in the first thing you mention above, which is automated
> grading.  I just want to make the process of 2 easier.  E.g., if I
> have a directory on my computer with 20 sage worksheets, I want it to
> be trivial to upload them all into a single sage notebook server, as a
> sort of bundle, then be able to go through, look at each, and make a
> mark to indicate I finished grading each one.  That sort of thing.
> Right now, I have to individually upload each of the 20 worksheets,
> which is tedious and error prone (since I might upload one twice, miss
> one, etc.).

Idea 1 (as mentioned before):

Each worksheet can have an unlimited number of tags.  You can easily 
filter by tags in the listing of worksheets.  In the worksheet listing, 
you can click on the checkbox next to a bunch of worksheets (or just 
automatically select all worksheets that you are viewing) and download 
them as one zip file.  On the other hand, you can upload any number of 
worksheets that are zipped together, optionally applying a tag to each 
one.  This last feature is so that you can upload a zip file containing 
lots of worksheets and tag each one as a particular assignment.

Idea 2:

For those that are grading on the same server as the students are doing 
work, making permissions on sharing.  In other words, make it so that it 
is possible to share read-only with list of other people or with the 
public.  In fact, this would make sharing and publishing the same thing. 
  You can share read-write or share read-only with a specific list of 
people or with the public.

The purpose here is to allow people to share their work without letting 
others change it.  Publishing doesn't work for privacy reasons.  There 
should be a way to publish worksheets to just specific people, or to all 
logged-in users, without opening the worksheet to the public.

> It might also be nice to integrate this with email, I.e., after I
> grade all the worksheets, I could have sage use its email command to
> email out all the graded versions of the worksheets back to the
> students....   I'm looking for little ideas like that to cut down on
> tedious work, reduce errors, so I can spend more time commenting on
> the student work.

Yes, that sounds great; we could have another option with "Download 
worksheet" which is "Email worksheet".

> Also, it would be nice if there were a cool way to annotate worksheets
> that involves some yellow magic cells distinct from anything in there
> now (i.e., me marking up student work).

It seems that you could do this pretty easily with a TinyMCE style. 
Just define an "annotation" style with yellow background.  Then you can 
even just edit their explanations, as well as create new cells.  Want 
your comments to disappear?  Change the CSS of your annotation style to 
make the text disappear.


Jason Grout

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