On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Bill Hart wrote:
>> Hold that thought Rob. I'm not joking around. If you have been a
>> significant contributor to this sort of thing, you sound like exactly
>> the sort of person to have contributing to and working on such an
>> enterprise.
>> This is so easy to get going it isn't funny. We could simply start
>> with a website which collects Sage Notebook expositions and surveys in
>> one place. When there are sufficiently high quality articles, we could
>> start sending the best articles to be formally refereed, etc. and then
>> just let the whole thing grow organically from there.
>> I want to ask around and see what people think of the idea, and maybe
>> start a separate thread for it, and just see what feedback there is.
>> If the idea is generally received positively, I think I am just going
>> to do it. If I do decide to go ahead with it, would you be interested
>> in being involved?
> I will be starting a tenure-track position at a private liberal arts
> college this fall that takes the "broad view" of research.  They told me
> that the main criteria for judging research is peer-review.  I think
> having a journal like this (when it grows to the peer-reviewed stage)
> will help me greatly in being able to spend time on Sage (i.e., there is
> no question of academic credit for it).  So as another person in your
> situation (i.e., wanting to get academic credit for Sage work), I
> wholeheartedly applaud this!
> I'm undoubtedly too junior to count as one of your "distinguished
> mathematician" editors, but at least count me on board as a referee!
> Somewhere else, someone mentioned paid subscriptions.  I would really,
> really encourage the articles to be open-access (i.e., no subscription
> charges for any electronic material).  We could produce a paper version
> for money, sort of like the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, which
> is a respected linear algebra journal, or the Electronic Journal of
> Combinatorics, if we needed to raise money, but my guess is that it
> wouldn't raise very much anyway.

+1  -- I have to add that I will not be involved personally unless the
articles are open access -- no subscription charges at all for any
electronic material.  There are very very few journals like this, but
any journal I'm involved with will be.    I've already had several
journals request that I serve on their editorial board and turned them
down because they were not open access.

 -- William

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