
I'm creating a Sage wrapper for a numerics package called Clawpack.
Clawpack works like so: when a user compiles their custom subroutines
against a library an executable is produced as output. The executable
then uses information stored in two, possibly more text files called
claw.data and setprob.data that must be located in the same directory.
That is, there are three files:

xclaw - the executable

Just to give a better picture as to what's going on, there are several
stub subroutines contained within the Clawpack library. They govern
things like what to do at each step in an iterative technique for
numerically solving a PDE or how to change the solution grid if the
user wishes to supply their own adaptive mesh refinement scheme. The
user supplies their own Fortran SUBROUTINEs and links them against the
library, thus overriding the stubs. Finally, there's a main file, a
Fortran PROGRAM, that links to the overloaded library. When run, it
takes in the information stored in the two local data files and
outputs the result.

My question is:
What would be a good directory to place these three files. (The
wrapper will generate them appropriately.) My first thought was
$SAGE_LOCAL/bin but these files are particular to each PDE problem a
user wishes to solve. Also, I don't want to put any non-executable
files in there. I don't know if $SAGE_ROOT/tmp has any special use. My
other thought, however, was to just dump the files in the wrapper
location $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/numerical/clawpack.

Any suggestions? Again, the three files are quite temporary. The
wrapper compiles and immediately executes the program and doesn't
really need those particular files again.

Thanks for the help!

Chris Swierczewski
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