On Apr 16, 1:41 pm, gerhard <ge01...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> This started out in grading notebooks, but does not really belong
> there.
> -----
> I am happy to report the functionality to modify
> the latex header for notebook output is already present in sage:
>     sage:  import sage.misc.latex as l
>     sage:  l.LATEX_HEADER+='\\def \\pgfsysdriver {pgfsys-dvips.def}\n
>                                               \\usepackage{tikz\n
>                                               \\usetikzlibrary
> {shapes,fit,positioning}\n'
>     sage:  print 'LATEX_HEADER\n', l.LATEX_HEADER
> does work as expected.
> Next, a cell with the following text:
>    %latex
>       \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth]
>       \draw[red,rotate=10,scale=.5,ultra thick] (0.375,0) ellipse
> (1.125 and 2.0945);
>       \end{tikzpicture}
>       oh?
> will produce an ellipse with the string "oh?" to the left.
> Without "oh?", however, I get not output at all???
> -puzzled

I have no idea, but you could try %latex_debug instead of %latex to
get some more information about what's going on.


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