thank you for clarifying this, I didn't know that sympy was already
pretty well working with the new symbolics

I hope this has at least given some information to the community as
well! I always learn a lot from these discussions



On 21 Apr, 22:58, Jason Grout <> wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:10 PM, William Stein <> wrote:
> >> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 1:06 PM, Ondrej Certik <> wrote:
> >>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:31 AM, Maurizio <> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> Kudos to SymPy!
> >>>> I'm wondering why the python integration algorithms implemented there
> >>>> aren't in the short term adopted by SAGE.
> >>> They are --- you can use them from sympy inside Sage. It's my goal
> >>> that all sympy features are nicely integrated in Sage. I work on this
> >>> as time permits.
> >> Also, in the pynac-based symbolics that Mike Hansen has been polishing
> >> up for full inclusion in Sage (to replace the maxima based symbolics),
> >> one can just do
> >>   f.integrate(algorithm="sympy")
> >> and sage will compute the integral using sympy.   He's already
> >> implemented this and I've seen it work well when I tried it out.
> > Yes, that way Sage allows to call any of those libraries very easily
> > in Sage and at the same time uses just one library by default, that
> > currently is the best at integrating, I guess still Maxima.
> unless maxima doesn't produce an answer (i.e., returns your expression
> unevaluated or throws an exception because of an assumption, etc.)  Then
> it could automatically try sympy.
> -Jason
> --
> Jason Grout
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