On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Brian Granger <ellisonbg....@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Personally, I think it is important to have access to source code.  I
>>> do in fact read the source code of Sage (and many other projects)
>>> often.  However, many people with whom I speak (user's of Matlab and
>>> Mathematica) don't feel this is important.  Their logic goes something
>>> like this...
>>> "I have been using 'M' for decades and I have done fine not having
>>> access to the source.  I don't see why I would need it."
>>> I find this line of thinking hard to argue with, because it is based
>>> on their experience.
>> And also this line of thinking is right. Imho. If something is so well
>> tested by decades, I trust it more than something that is tested for a
>> year or two, by a lot *less* people.
>>> I bring this up because I think we need to have better reasons about
>>> why open source is important - arguments that are compelling to folks
>>> who have been working successfully for years without reading the
>>> source.  I don't know what these are, but I know that we need them.
>> Yes, I agree. I think the argument is definitely not "so that I can
>> see that the proof is correct" -- maybe in pure mathematics (I am not
>> judging that), but not for what I am doing. At least to me, such an
> There are many arguments and many intended audiences, so I agree that
> it is useful if we all share we we *personally* find so much value in
> using open source.
> I think Brian and Ondrej both eloquently did exactly that.  So I'll try.


> In mathematics research, rigorous proof is *the* core central
> foundation for absolutely everything.  It is the one thing that
> starkly sets mathematics apart from all the sciences and humanities.
> Mathematicians rarely read proofs in order to verify that a theorem is
> true.  They read proofs because they want desperately to prove
> interesting new theorems, and they hope that by reading a proof they
> will be able to deeply understand the techniques used in the proof,
> modify them, and prove something new.   A proof might look like a
> bunch of words on a page, but it's actually a bunch of techniques,
> ideas, tricks, "machines", strategies, etc., that all come together in
> just the right way to deduce that something must always be true.
> In the context of mathematical research, I value *readable*
> *adaptable* open source mathematical software *hugely* because
> computational mathematics using closed source software is so much like
> mathematical research without proofs.   It might be fun to watch
> (i.e., like skimming Wikipedia's math pages), but it would be devoid
> of vigor and life, and really impossible to move forward.  When I
> solve new computational research problems it is far more effective to
> do so by taking existing codes and understanding them and adapting
> them in new ways.   To maximize my efficiency, it's critical that I be
> able to read and change anything in my math software, just as it's
> critical that I be allowed to read and learn from the proofs of
> theorems.

Yes -- I like this argument. I think it is important for all of us
that we can read and change anything in the software that we are
using, because it maximizes our efficiency and also because of the
community of the people around it willing to help out (exactly because
they *can*, due to the open source code).

So I don't buy the arguments about spotting bugs, but the argument
about being able to take existing codes and modify them to get
something new, that's an argument that I buy.

This seems to me like the main argument why we do what we do. Both in
pure math and in applied math.

>> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 10:50 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Are you sure we really _need_ these arguments for those users?
>> Yes, I think we need. At least I do. Btw, you use those arguments too
>> in many of your presentations and lectures. And if the argument is not
> Yes, but I'm not aiming them at the people Brian was talking about.

Ah, ok.


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