On May 24, 3:14 pm, Gonzalo Tornaria <torna...@math.utexas.edu> wrote:
> IMHO,  the sagemath.org webpage is very nice and lean, but a little
> bit too "plain" wrt colors, and a lack of contrast. In addition, the
> border  color (around the white box with the actual content) is too
> bright, which draws my focus away from the content (my browser window
> is 1280 pixels wide).

initially, the blue was much darker and i got various comments, that
it is too dark. i think it's nicer now and there were no complaints
for months until yours... you see, it's complicated :)

the monochromatic look makes it much easier to build something that is
automatically aestetically "correct". the eye likes clear and easy
patterns and therefore i got something without too much work that is
still ok.

> Maybe changing that to a darker color, together with a judicious use
> of a second color tone within the content (maybe matching the border)
> would give some more depth/contrast to the page.
> Here's a 5 minute hack of something along those 
> lines:http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/tornaria/sagemath.png

sorry, for me, that's just ugly. i tried to find more colors thaat fit
together some time ago (used an online tool and some experiemnts) and
i created this:
i'll use those colors if i ever manage to find a layout for multiple

> One thing I like is that their web page just fits nicely in my
> 1280x800 web browser window, although that of course is dependent on
> the resolution I'm using (they may be targetting 1024x768 as a
> sensible minimum, except for netbooks). But it just seems that
> sagemath.org needs 1200 lines to fit in a browser window.

1200 lines?? do you mean pixels width? i've designed it in a way that
it adopts to much smaller screen sizes and expands util an upper limit
for bigger screens. i.e. sagemath.org should be fine with 800x600.

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