Does Sage have a general framework for providing progress updates during
its computations?  More generally, a system for logging and reporting
messages of various sorts, apart from tracebacks triggered by uncaught

I ask because I recently "found" Python's logging module:

It seems to be extensive, but I have no experience with it, particularly
its effects on performance.  But with the right level of granularity,
good top-level design and Sage-wide logging policy, and lots of help
from contributors, perhaps the Logger class is a good base for
[optionally] recording a history of a calculation.

This might be useful, for example, for following the branches of a
non-deterministic algorithm, comparing how Sage arrives at an answer on
different platforms, or simply having a rough answer to "What is Sage
spending  so much time on now?"  Sometimes, the source code itself
offers too much detail, at least initially.

Just as there is a dedicated "div" for introspection in each notebook
cell, how about a similar logging div that's hidden by default.  Of
course, a user should be able to select among levels of detail.


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