On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 7:01 PM, John Cremona<john.crem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Built fine and passed all tests on 64-bit Ubuntu.
> Built fine, 2 test failyres on 32-bit Suse:  the singular.pyx issue
> already reported, and
> **********************************************************************
> File 
> "/local/jec/sage-4.0.2.rc0/devel/sage/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_element.pyx",
> line 2092:
>    sage: [L(6).valuation(P) for P in L.primes_above(6)]
> Expected:
>    [2, 2, 4]
> Got:
>    [4, 2, 2]
> **********************************************************************
> That is on old issue: L.primes_above(6) tries to sort the primes but
> there are tie-break situations where the order is not determined;  and
> pari's output is often different on 32-or 64-bit machines.  Unless
> someone can come up with a reliable way of sorting primes in a number
> field (currently "sorted by residue degree first, then by
>        underlying prime (or equivalently, by norm).")  this doctest
> should be changed so as not to depend on the order.
> John

Thanks.  This is now:


By the way, Nick Alexander just got very busy and release management
for sage-4.0.2 has switched from Craig + Nick
to Craig + William(=me) for the finish.


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