On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Waldek Hebisch wrote:
> maxthemouse wrote:
> ...
>> What was not clear to me was where I should send a mail/patch
>> for this. i.e. Who is charge of the fricas.spkg?
> The packages were created by Bill Page.  He also uploaded
> them to some testing area on sagemath.org and asked for testing.
> IIRC if the packages worked for few testers one of core Sage
> developers (M. Abshoff?) moved them the spkg repository.
> I think Bill will not object if this time you do what he did.


Indeed I would be very happy and appreciative if someone else took
care of this! I think it would be a good idea to co-ordinate this on
the sage-devel list. If you feel motivated you could make use of Sage
trac but FriCAS is an optional package so I guess that is optional.

Please ask if you have questions - but I think everything has been
answered but others so far.  I look forward to testing FriCAS in Sage
under ECL.

Bill Page.

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