On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Prabhu
Ramachandran<pra...@aero.iitb.ac.in> wrote:
> On 06/29/09 14:37, Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> the optional vtk package fails to buid on Mac, it fails to configure.
>> I didn't like the spkg install much, so I joined the Mac and linux
>> version and it now configures and starts compiling, but then it fails
>> with:
>> http://code.google.com/p/femhub/issues/detail?id=34#c3
> Right, if you dig up the archives you'll see I ran into similar issues.
>  My workaround was to create a framework build.  Unfortunately, I have
> not had the time to do much after my initial attempts despite William
> giving me an account on a fast mac box.  I am hoping to make some time
> this week and the next to spend a little more time on this.

Yes, I saw that the original spkg-install package was doing some
framework thing on Darwin, but unfortunately it didn't work at all,
the cmake failed to run (it failed to find the framework).

So I just did it the same way as on linux, and that configures, but
since it doesn't use the framework, it fails later. So if you know how
to fix the framework thing, then it should work.

> I will try and update the work I did for the framework build for the
> latest sage release.  Hopefully, I'll start with that tonight.
>> e.g.: http://femhub.googlecode.com/files/vtk-cvs-20090316-minimal.p1.spkg
>> Also I fixed the mesa package, here is the updated one:
>> http://femhub.googlecode.com/files/mesa-7.4.4.p2.spkg
>> Changes I did:
>>   * updated to mesa 7.4.4
>>   * uses mesa's configure script (thus the same easy command works out
>> of the box on mac and both 32bit and 64bit linuxes)
> OK, cool.  BTW, this uses X11, right or does it also work with Carbon/Cocoa?

I don't exactly now. All I know is that it compiles on the Mac and it
produces the .dylib files.

>> So I think the mesa package is fine now, only the VTK package still
>> needs more work. Any help is appreciated.
> I can help but am going to be slow since I only have a little time each
> day for this.  If you aren't in a hurry, and can wait a week I will try
> and make some progress this week.

That'd be absolutely fine. Many thanks!


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