Maurizio wrote:

> Another feature I'd LOVE to get is the conversion to "engineering"
> notation (which is similar to scientific notation), when dealing with
> quantities associated with a unit of measurement. The "engineering"
> notation as I know it, basically represents each number in scientific
> notation, with the exponent represented by an integer multiple of +3
> or -3
> 0,03 A [Amperes] -> Scientific notation: 3e-2 A -> Engineering: 30e-3
> A = 30 mA
> 43000 m [meters] -> Scientific: 4.3e4 m -> Engineering: 43e3 m = 43 km
> I have this built-in in my Casio calculator (I didn't mean to do
> advertisement, it's just to prove it's real and working) and I LOVE
> it :)

I think it's been in every scientific calculator I've ever owned too. 
This seems like it would be a pretty simple thing to implement for the 
RealField types, as a formatting option?  In fact, in 
devel/sage/sage/rings/real_mpfr.pyx, this option is given in the 
docstring for constructing RealField objects:

     -  ``sci_not`` - (default: False) if True, always display using
        scientific notation; if False, display using scientific notation
        only for very large or very small numbers

It seems like it would probably be pretty easy to make this also do 
engineering notation.



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