On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, William Stein wrote:

> 2009/8/19 Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>:
>> On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, William Stein wrote:
>>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 1:19 AM, Robert
>>> Bradshaw<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
>>>> Multithreading will have to be introduced at one
>>>> level or another to scale the notebook to more than a single
>>>> processor anyways.
>>>> - Robert
>>> Huh?  Why?   I don't see any need for multithreading to solve the
>>> above problem, or rather I don't understand what problem you're
>>> talking about.    The notebook already scales to more than  a single
>>> processor.
>> I am talking about the case where there are enough users that the notebook
>> process itself becomes the bottleneck. It all depends on how lightweight
>> the shuffling data between the underlying processes and the browser is,
>> and how many concurrent users one wants to support for a single notebook.
>> In the asynchronous model there is only one thread handling all of the
>> connections. (Also, anything long-running, e.g. taring up all a users
>> worksheets for download, needs to spawn a separate thread/process.)
>> Of course if the whole setup is running on a single machine, it may be
>> that the computational processes are always the bottleneck.
> Thanks for the clarification, which makes sense. There are other
> approaches. If one had tens of thousands of simultaneous users,
> instead of having multiple threads one could assign users to a
> separate process (that could handle up to n users max) when they first
> connect.   That could scale better than SMP threads, since it is
> easier to distribute the load across servers.   Maybe this is just
> orthogonal though.

Yep. If the worksheet data was backed by a (synchronzed) database then 
this would work well.

> Regarding the tar example, one solution might be to run it as a
> separate process, then later check if that process finished -- it is
> not necessary for the notebook server process to wait for a subprocess
> doing tar to finish before continuing.  Another possibility if the
> tar'ing happens in the same process would be to use fork.

The point is that you have to do this manually, rather than just letting 
that thread block for a while. (I think the right asynchronous way to do 
it would be to set up a callback for when it's done, rather than 
repeatedly coming back to check on it.)

> For fun, I just looked at Activity Monitor on OS X, and sorted the
> tasks I'm running by number of threads.  The top is Firefox and the
> bottom is python.

Not surprising. Also, I forgot about the GIL, which truely limits the 
performance benifits of threading in Python. If anything ever kills 
Python, I bet it'll be the GIL (but I'm hopeful that it'll get removed 
before it causes an untimely death...)

- Robert

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