On Wed, 26 Aug 2009, kcrisman wrote:

>> sage: var('x,y')
>> (x, y)
>> sage: f = -x-y
>> sage: integrate(f)
>> -1/2*x^2 - x*y
>> sage: integrate(f+x)  # unambiguous?
>> -1/2*y^2
>> sage: integrate(f+y)  # unambiguous?
>> -1/2*x^2
>> sage: integrate(f) + integrate(x)
>> -x*y
>> sage: integrate(f) + integrate(y)
>> -1/2*x^2 - x*y + 1/2*y^2
> I meant single-variable.  No, none of these are unambiguous.

"f+x" and "f+y" are "single-variable." (Note the definition of f.) This 
has bitten me before.

- Robert

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