Carlo Hamalainen wrote:

> So what do you think about this patch?

Some random comments on
Feel free to ignore this ranting.

        757         def cum_distribution_function(self, x):

If anything is spelled out, seems like it should be "cumulative".
That said, in English "cdf" or "CDF" is a widely-understood
abbreviation for cumulative distribution function.

        758             """
        759             Evaluate the cumulative distribution function of
        760             the probability distribution at ``x``.

I guess x must be a number. If I were using this code I would
really like for x to be a symbol too.

        762             EXAMPLE::
        764                 sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [0, 2])

Selecting the type by a string seems clumsy. Why not make
Python work for you? e.g. T = distributions.uniform([0, 2]) .

I guess you have RealDistribution here to indicate that the
support of the density function is a subset of the reals.
You can't exploit that programmatically: what subset is it,
exactly? All of R, an interval, zero to infinity, what?
Better to just indicate the support separately. e.g. => interval or product of intervals, => all of R (however that's indicated), => explicit enumeration (or implicit if you
are clever), etc.

(The reason I'm getting worked up over support is that it can
be exploited to formulate an integral of foo(x)*pdf(x) where
foo is a loss function and pdf(x) is a density. This is a computation
of central importance in decision theory. You want people to use
Sage for decision theory, right? There are various other integrals
of interest, for which you'd need to know the support. Bayesian
inference is all about the integrals. You want people to use Sage
for Bayesian inference, right?)

        765                 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1)
        766                 0.5
        767             """
        768             if self.distribution_type == uniform:
        769                 return sage.rings.real_double.RDF(gsl_cdf_flat_P(x,
self.parameters[0], self.parameters[1]))
        770             elif self.distribution_type == gaussian:
        771                 return sage.rings.real_double.RDF(gsl_cdf_gaussian_P
(x, self.parameters[0]))
        772             elif ...

This if--elif--elif-- ... seems clumsy. Once the type is selected,
shouldn't you try to avoid branching to find the right function to

Also, the purpose of each parameter is obscured here.
If uniform, gaussian, etc were classes in a package of distributions,
each one could have named parameters according to what's
appropriate for them (a, b, mu, sigma, whatever).

I've probably misunderstood what's going on here, if so, feel
free to flame me as needed.


Robert Dodier

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