> I don't think any of the effort on either web app is wasted.  For
> example, I am currently reading through the codenode source code for
> ideas right now.    Very soon, we will release a BSD-licensed version
> of the Sage notebook so that all the Codenode developers can do the
> same!  (They recently switched to BSD from GPL, so they can't read/use
> our code.)
I totally agree that each effort is extremely worthwhile in that both
are taking different approaches, and have some different short term goals,
but yet both are trying (in the big picture) to solve a similar general problem.
This pushes us both to create a better end product, and we can help each
other along the way by collaborating on sub-problems.

On the subject of collaborating on sub-problems, there is one that I
hope we can attack more in the near future, and that is @interact.
A couple months back I spent a couple of days thinking and coding
some stuff up related to making a jQuery plugin for @interact functionality.

I just spent a little more time cleaning up the code, and in particular
making the README more clear, and I made it public here:
It does *not* do "lots of useful" things yet, but I feel it's a solid beginning
and the proposed usage looks/feels really good.

One of the best features will be support for the <canvas> html5
element based plotting,
as well as pure javascript execution, and hence could be very useful
to all sorts
of different people/use cases.  This might hopefully attract more
focused development on it (ala Cython, etc) and everyone would benefit
from that.
(Feedback/opinions greatly appreciated. Maybe a new thread should be started
if people do have feedback so we don't diverge this thread to badly...
which I'm sorta doing now :-)

> I think the best way to view the situation is like the situation with
> "vim" and "emacs".  Surely you would not consider it bad that both vim
> and emacs are continually improved.  I use both vim and emacs
> regularly, and I'm really glad they are both available.
> Also, I believe that in any industry/software project/etc., without
> some other project doing something at least similar, there will be a
> tendency to not innovate so much.  I think having both the codenode
> and sagenb project be very healthy is the best situation to encourage
> innovation.
This sums up my feelings perfectly, thanks very much for posting this.


I hope everybody reading this will be highly supportive
> of both projects.
>  -- William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org
> >

Alex Clemesha

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