Maurizio wrote:
>> I have been wondering whether we should start over and create a
>> (fairly minimal) ubuntu 9.10 install using squashfs and unionfs?  What
>> do you think?  There are a lot of good ideas in the approach of Puppy
>> Linux... but that doesn't mean we actually have to use it in the long
>> run.
>> I wonder how big a minimal ubuntu 9.10 with Virtualbox Tools squashed
>> would be?  I'm guessing around 600MB compressed.    That might be OK.
>>   I'm curious what your thoughts are.
>>  -- William
> I don't see any reason why shouldn't we try using Ubuntu basis instead
> of Puppy Linux. I mean, maybe starting from "alternate" or "server"
> iso, instead of the "desktop" version of Ubuntu, could allow for
> better package shaping and results in minimal size, but apart from
> that, having a minimal working Ubuntu (or any other vastly widespread
> distribution) to me is much less prone to problems, in the sense that
> there is also much more support on Internet, because of the wide
> adoption.

+1.  I've worked with Puppy for a while a year or two ago (it was the 
only thing that ran decently on an old 166Mhz laptop).  I was very 
impressed.  But after I started trying to do non-obvious stuff, I either 
had to learn a lot about how Puppy did things, or things did not seem to 
work right.

If a "JeOS" minimal server install of Ubuntu is not too much bigger, I 
think that would be much easier for us to administrate and provide 
support for  Besides, if people get used to working with it, their 
skills are transferable to one of the most popular linux distributions.


Jason Grout

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