mhampton wrote:

> One thing that was mentioned on another thread is that the version
> number for sage-4.1.2 was quite misleading.  It would help a lot if
> the version numbers were more grounded in reality.  One simple change
> might be to not pick the version number until a final release has been
> decided on.  Perhaps we could call the next release "sage-next" until
> it is finalized.


> Another idea, but one that requires more effort, would be to have some
> sort of "LTS" release, for which only bugfixes would be applied.  I
> don't want to personally volunteer to do that, but I think it would be
> great if someone else did :)

If someone wanted to volunteer, then +1.  However, this will probably 
not realistically happen any time soon; Just disentangling bugfixes from 
feature enhancements will be a job, as often they are included in the 
same patch.  Sage development is still pretty rapid.  I can see this 
easily being a full-time job.

> The easiest thing, which I hope can be implemented, is to highlight
> former releases that seem especially stable as Maurizio suggests.

Somehow the wording needs to be picked to not say "the current release 
is not stable; don't use it", but rather something like "major changes 
were made in this release; you might find some corners that still need 

I agree that a more consistent and coherent version number strategy 
would help a lot here.


Jason Grout

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