kcrisman wrote:
>>> What about nintegrate/nintegral?  We don't have these now (as top-level
>>> functions), but they would mirror nicely the integral/integrate
>>> commands.  Should we only define one of them?
>> Is integral_numerical a possibility (for those who like tab-completions)?
> I don't see why it's a problem for integral and integrate and
> nintegral and nintegrate to all live together in peace and freedom.
> This isn't namespace pollution - it's called making Sage user-friendly
> for people who haven't learned to use the tab-completion yet.

It's not so much namespace pollution as it is unpythonic and confusing. 
  Unpython because:

sage: import this
"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."

and confusing because tab completion always pulls up both commands, and 
the instant question is, "there must be some difference between these; 
which one is right for me?".  Are there any other M's that has two 
integration commands so similarly named that are just aliases for each 



Jason Grout

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