I agree.  The situation is far from uniform, and while parts of sage
are quite mature, others need enough work that supporting long-term
compatibility seems counterproductive.

One thing that helps is having python as a model for core
functionality, for example lists.  Your stories of Maple
incompatibilities are unlikely with sage since they are unlikely with

The current policy of 1 year + major release seems reasonable to me in
practice.  It might make sense to lengthen that in a few years though.


On Nov 3, 3:02 am, Florent Hivert <florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr>
> By the way, though some part of sage are already very polished, I personally
> think sage has being still in a beta stage. Lots of things are far from being
> stable and moreover, it is very incoherent in its design from one part to the
> other. Furthermore, the quality of the doc is very variable. I don't intend
> any offense but I think this as a fact. We all do that on our spare time and
> we all are inclined to do what we like.
> As a consequence, pretending to be stable to early is very dangerous. I think
> its a very good way to scare newcomers away. So I think we should keep our
> extremely good work and not spend too much time pretending it is better than
> it really is. I hope I'm won't offend anyone; I also hope that I'm not
> starting a flamewar...
> Cheers,
> Florent
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