Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 at 11:32PM +0100, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:
> I have a feature request: an environment where I could use the same
> syntax as in usual doctests (without the sage results):
>   \begin{sageexample}
>       sage: 1 + 1
>       sage: def f(x):
>       ...       x^2
>       sage: f(3)
>   \end{sageexample}
> And have it typeset with the sage commands in texttt, interspersed
> with the Sage outputs, in (display) math mode:
>       sage: 1 + 1
>                             2
>       sage: def f(x):
>       ...       x^2
>       sage: f(3)
>                             9

I've been thinking about that. I've wanted it too.

> Here is my current partial implementation:
> \newenvironment{sageexample}{%
> \def\verba...@processline{\hspace{\sagetexindent}sage: 
> \the\verba...@line\[\sage{\the\verbatim@line}\]}%
> \verbatim}%
> {\endverbatim}
> It does not handle the sage: / ... line prefixes. Those should
> probably be passed down to sage + sagetex.py and handled there,
> reusing the doctest infrastructure.

Right now, when you typset the document, you get a Sage script written
to the current directory. LaTeX pretty much writes the lines straight to
the script, and it's hard to strip things off the line. In Python, I
could so something like

    the_verbatim_line.replace('sage: ', '', 1)

but LaTeX does not make string handling easy. Using the doctest
infrastructure is a good idea and might be useful.

> Oh, and by the way, another dream feature would be a
> \sageinert{diff(sin(x),x)} which would typeset an inert version of the
> given formula, without evaluating it. A typical use case would be to
> get nicely typeset equations like:
>       \sageinert{diff(sin(x),x)} = \sage{diff(sin(x),x)}
> But I don't know how feasible or even meaningful this would currently
> be. For the record, MuPAD had such a mechanism which was used for
> typesetting formulas in the documentation.

So you would like your example to produce the same output as

    \frac{d}{dx} \sin(x) = \cos(x)

? Hmm, that might hard. I'm not sure how to do that. Right now, when you
do \sage{diff(sin(x), x)}, it runs something like

    latex(diff(sin(x), x))

and I don't know how to tell latex() to not fully evaluate the diff().


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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