Hello everybody !!!!

Concerning the use of InfinitePolynomialRing in Sage, it was discussed
in another thread and I since wrote a patch (#7561)  to change it. As
mentionned, I need nothing of what this class has been built for, and
now that it is replaced with plain "var", it is a thousand times
faster ( a friend of mine needed to solve a LP with ~2000 variables
and could not even generate the LP because of this slowness in

Besides the slowness, there was a bug coming for
InfinitePolynomialRing which I have not been able to reproduce yet
( the reason why there was no bug report for it ) when the LP got big
enough :some "string" problem prevented us from using the generators
anymore, and restarting Sage ( ? ) sometimes solved the problem.

If I can produce this bug again, you'll have a bug report for it, but
I you know the class by heart perhaps you will be helped to know that
you need a large number of variables to create this problem.

Thanks !!!!!!


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