I'm posting this to (1) share what I've learned by reading a lot over 
the last little while, and (2) ask for advice from people that have 
thought a lot about licensing of books and notes.

I'm looking at different licenses for a Sage-enhanced set of notes, in 
the spirit of the CCLI grant proposal that was posted here a few days 
ago (please go read it and make comments! [1] :).  I see these notes as 
incorporating Sage code in examples, like you see in William's number 
theory book or other tutorials that we've seen in various places.

I've spent a while reading up on licenses, and it seems that there are 
three good possibilities for an "open" license that would allow others 
to make modifications and freely redistribute the result:

1. GNU Free Documentation License 1.3
2. Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
3. plain old GPL

GFDL and CC-by-sa are not compatible with GPL, so if I wanted the notes 
to be distributed with Sage (so the examples turn into doctests, etc.), 
if I went with (1) or (2), I'd have to dual-license the notes with GPL. 
  However, several organizations have just adopted plain GPL for their 
documents ([2], maybe Debian too?).  GNU does not encourage licensing 
documents with GPL [3], though.

The major difference I see between GFDL and CC-by-sa is that CC-by-sa 
does not have the requirement that the source be distributed with the 
work.  I like that (I really wish there was a CC-by-sa-src, with that 
added requirement).  However, it seems that there are lots of problems 
with the GFDL license, not the least of which is the incompatibility 
with GPL.  See [4] or [5]).

So what do others do that have written notes that hopefully will 
eventually be distributed with Sage think?




[2] http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Blog/LicenseChange

[3] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WhyNotGPLForManuals


[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Free_Documentation_License#Criticism

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