On Wed, 6 Jan 2010 23:55:49 -0800, Robert Bradshaw 
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> I think this should go in as (2), perhaps as an optional package to  
> start with, assuming the performance issues can be addressed (and it  
> looks like there's been progress made in that area) it would make  
> sense to eventually move to this as the default. For one thing, it'll  
> make writing arbitrary complex arithmetic in Cython *much* easier  
> (currently, one either needs to bear the Python overhead, or keep  
> track of the imaginary and real parts separately doing all arithmetic  
> by hand--not ideal even if one ignores the rounding issues).

This is maybe an obvious point, but I'll make it anyway: MPC is "brought
to you by the makers of MPFR".  They care a great deal about correctness,
performance, and portability.  Both packages are actively developed and
extensively tested.  I think that if the performance cost is small, we
would gain a whole lot in terms of reliability.

Anyway, as Robert says, it's a good idea to get this going alongside the
current implementation and run tests on it for a while.  If all goes
well, we can decide whether we want to switch.


PS: Yann, thanks for all the great work you put into this!  I had made a
rather feeble attempt at this about a year ago, but had gotten nowhere
near what you managed.  I'm glad to see this revived so well.

Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/
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