On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2010, at 7:25 AM, Andy Somogyi wrote:
>> I think javascript is actually a pretty nice language. It has some really
>> nice functional features, is resembles Scheme in certain ways. The only
>> problem I have with javascript is that it is not the same language as sage
>> (python). If sage were written in Javascript, then of course it would be
>> natural to write the UI in Javascript.
>> BTW, A patch was just submitted to WebKit that enables MathML rendering!
>> This means that a front end could have all the mathematical typesetting and
>> layout that Mathematica has!
>> But back to the question, is it better to write the UI in Javascript which
>> implies that there needs to be a Python <-> Javascript glue layer (not too
>> big of deal, just develop some glue that does dynamic binding, or use remote
>> invocation), OR write the UI directly in Python which implies a bit of
>> WebKit <-> Python glue? The WebKit <-> Python glue is again not too big of a
>> deal, it already exists in Appcelerator Desktop (Again, Apache license), I'm
>> not sure how efficient it is as I've never used it. Or, have native bindings
>> to WebKit (generated via the WebKit idl files).
>> Personally, I like the single language approach (all Python), makes things
>> SO MUCH simpler.
>> Any thoughts?
> The advantage of the Python <-> Javascript glue layer is that you can share
> more code with the existing notebook. Otherwise, whenever you're
> implementing something the notebook already has, that's duplication of
> effort (and future maintenance), and when you're implementing something the
> notebook doesn't have, it won't benefit remote use. In the long run, I think
> that makes using Javascript for the UI a better option.
> Also, you have the advantage that the Javascript code already exists, rather
> than starting from scratch. It seems like the biggest drawback is not the UI
> itself, but rather that it isn't a "normal" desktop app with its own window,
> menu, etc.
> - Robert

This question reminds me of this quote from the movie "Hurt Locker",
in which an army colonel is asking a bomb squad soldier about the best
way to disarm bombs:

Colonel Reed: What's the best way to go about disarming one of these things?

Staff Sergeant William James: The way you don't die, sir.

http://uk.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi3242263065/     (50- seconds in).

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