To some extent, these problems might go away if people used
nolabels:true in the files that they wrote to define their packages.
Then the the names that they leave around might be more likely to
be the names that they deliberately left around, and not the auto-
names like C1, D1, %i1, %o2, ... used for labels.

Yes, a more elaborate solution involving name spaces
would allow programmer A to leave around names that programmer
B could use or not, but would not be likely to interfere by accident.

I think the common lisp standard for name spaces leaves a lot
to be desired, and there are elaborations of it (e.g. hierarchical)
that would be better.

On Jan 15, 12:01 pm, Craig Citro <> wrote:
> > Well, I think there is a neater way to go about it, which is
> > to exploit the Lisp package (i.e. namespace) machinery.
> > In summary, one can define groups of symbols at run time.
> To quote the Zen of Python:
> Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
> -cc
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