On 2010-Jan-27 19:24:18 +0000, "Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net> 
>It does not seem unreasonable to check ones patches on Solaris, OS X and one 
>linux distro. Of course it does not guarantee it will work on every linux 
>distro, but it would have a reasonable probability of doing so.

What's needed is a build cluster that will automatically build and
test specified sage package across a range of OSs and summarize the
build/test logs.  This is not a trivial undertaking but examples of
this sort of thing do exist.

>Solaris 10 on SPARC can not go onto a virtual machine.

Well, it can't go onto VirtualBox.  There's no reason t2 couldn't
be virtualised and have Linux/SPARC run in a logical domain.

>There was univeral agreement the T5240 is not suitable for what we
>are using it for.


>What was also interesting was the view from many non-Sun employees that 't2' 
>really flies as a web server, and leaves any Intel box standing. It is simply 
>not designed for what we are using it for and as such performs very badly.

Once Sage runs on Sol10, t2 might make a reasonable notebook server
(though its comparatively poor FP performance would probably count
against it).

Given the Willian has a bucket of money to spend, maybe he should
invest in a UltraSPARC based system - an 2nd hand V440 or V445 or
a new M-series machine.  These have much better single-threaded

Peter Jeremy

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