Dear Javier, Sébastien, Robert, ...

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 02:27:25AM -0800, javier wrote:
> On Jan 27, 10:28 pm, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <>
> wrote:
> > about #8044: categories for finite/permutation/symmetric groups
> >
> >     * Puts all permutation groups and some other finite groups in the
> >       corresponding categories. There remains to handle finite matrix
> >       groups and Galois groups in sage/rings/number_field/.
> >
> >     * As a result, this standardizes the interface of those groups
> >       (cardinality, one, ...).
> Nice! I recently had some trouble trying to sort out where to put the
> conjugacy classes code, this will be really helpful!

In fact, it is your question about conjugacy class codes that
triggered my work on categories for extension types, and then this one :-)

To answer your e-mail, I wanted to say that all the generic code
should go in the Groups() category and friends instead of the Group
class in which I would like to see progressively
disappear, or at least get very thin. But for that it had to be
*possible* to do it.

Sometimes an e-mail on sage-devel can have much underground effect
even if apparently there is not much immediate feedback!

> I can't really comment on the graph stuff, but since I'll have to
> rebase the cc-patches anyway I might as well give a look to this
> one.


Sébastien Labbé: you played quite some with the Cayley graph
code. Would you be ok reviewing this part? (unless Robert beats you to
it). As a teaser, you might like the following:

    sage: M = Monoids().example(); M
    An example of a monoid: the free monoid generated by ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
    sage: elements = [ for w in 
sum((list(Words(M.semigroup_generators(),k)) for k in range(4)),[]) ]
    sage: G = M.cayley_graph(elements = elements)
    sage: G.show3d(color_by_label=True, edge_size=0.001, vertex_size=0.01)

(and I take your suggestions for a better way to create all words of
length <=3)

By the way, Sébastien, if you want to make a small patch on top of
#8044 which would include the cooool Cayley graph examples from
cayley_graph-sl.patch, it would make sense to merge it in the same
ticket, and I'll be happy to review it.

> Which brings to the discussion: is there a standard way of reviewing
> tickets? I imagine you all sage gurus have your systematic ways
> perfected over the years. But what are precisely those steps?
> For instance, something like:
> 1. Update sage to the latest version with sage -upgrade
> 2. Make a clone for testing patches with sage -clone testing
> 3. Apply the patch you want to review using...
> etc. I checked in the developers wiki
> but the suggestions are rather terse. How does one check 100%
> doctests? It would be great it it could be upgraded with more detailed
> instructions.

Most patches I review are in the Sage-Combinat queue, so I do the
review there. Otherwise, I do as you mention above, with

    hg qinit
    hg qimport ...nameofthe.patch
    hg qpush
    sage -b
    sage -testall
    ... go to sleep ...

Anyone a pointer to where this procedure could already have been well
documented? It would be nice to have it in the TracGuidelines.

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <>

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