On Jan 31, 2010, at 4:01 AM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

But I can see no justification for letting someone try to build Sage, for it to fail a couple of hours later, in a way we could have predicted in less than a minute.

I think the 'prerequ' configure script should check for OpenSSL and exit if it is not present, since we can be 100% sure Sage will not build without it. Exactly what error message is produced would need to be discussed. But it's crazy for 'prereq' to not check for it. Just as it would be crazy to not check for perl, when we know it is needed.

I've recently updated 'prereq' to try to ensure that people are made aware of build issues before they start.

* gcc too old.
* perl too old.
* gcc/g++/gfortran not all the same version
* not a mix of GNU and non-GNU compilers

etc etc.

To me, checking for OpenSSL support should be added to that list, since it is a requirement to build Sage.

Whatever the long term solution for OpenSSL/crypto support, I certainly agree that, as things stand now, adding it to prereq is better than a build that fails half way through.

- Robert

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