Peter Jeremy wrote:
On 2010-Feb-01 07:49:45 +0000, David Kirkby <> wrote:
I discovered that Sun do ship Open SSL 0.9.7, complete with any
security fixes, with Solaris. Sun obviously have some agreement with
the OpenSSL developers, as they will know of security vunrabilites
before they are made public.

That's good.  I wasn't aware of it until you mentioned it.
They are part of SUNWopenssl-libraries - which looks like it's
new witH Solaris 10.  The Blog Post states that "some part of
OpenSSL lives" in Solaris 9 but we don't seem to have it
on our S9 hosts.

I'm not sure if SUNWopenssl-libraries is mandatory.  Definitely
we don't have the command line interface (the openssl command)
installed on our S10 boxes.

With a few rare exceptions, I've usefully done full installs of Solaris. It is quite possible you don't have a full install.

Actually, you highlight an important issue. The GPL

states you must make the source available, but also has this:

However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

Although the OpenSSL libraries do come on a full install of Solaris (even the first release, in 2005), it would be a stretch of the imagination to say they are a major component. So one could argue that linking against the libraries is never permitted, even if they come with the operating system. That affects Linux and OS X too.

I personally believe Sage is on slightly doggy ground with OpenSSL. The FSF specifically state the OpenSSL license is not GPL compatible, and OpenSSL is hardly a major part of the operating system, so its doubtful we should link against it. But others will no doubt see it differently to me.


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