On 08/06/2010 04:41 AM, Simon King wrote:
> Let s be a string (e.g., a docstring containing tests). Is it possible
> to perform the analogue of "sage -t" on s without writing s into a
> file and running a sub-process "sage -t" on that file?

We're in the *very* early stages of developing a new doctesting API at


Potential use cases on the command-line or in the notebook:

sage: doctest('file.sage', long=True, optional=['axiom', 'magma'])
sage: doctest(os.path.join(SAGE_ROOT, 'devel', 'sage', 'sage',
'monoids'), processes=4)
sage: stats = {}     # Collect errors, counts, timings, etc.
sage: doctest('foo.py', 'bar.pyx', stats=stats)
sage: def f():
....:     """
....:     sage: f()
....:     1
....:     """
....:     return 1
sage: doctest(f)
sage: doctest(f.__doc__)

We may start with an abstract Doctester class and try to extend it with
implementations that run out-of-process and in-process.  Perhaps also a
subclass that forks (cf. #9501, #9631)?  But this is far from certain
right now.

There's also a ticket for other new doctesting features:


Comments are welcome!

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