Hi folks,

I vaguely remember a thread started by Nathann Cohen about moving some
implementation of graph theoretic algorithms to some sort of algorithm
modules. From what I can recall, it had something to do with the bloat
of methods that each instance of a graph object has. For example, as
of Sage 4.6.1.alpha3 an undirected graph object has 251 methods.
That's what I think is an example of an object being bloated. I can't
recall nor find the original thread(s), so my apology for raising the
issue again.

Many methods that a graph object inherits can be refactored out into
common algorithm modules with names such as clique.py(x),
cluster.py(x), traversal.py(x), spanning_tree.py(x),
shortest_path.py(x), etc. NetworkX does this for many graph theoretic
algorithms and I'm partial to the approach.

I'm working on ticket #10433 [1], whose goal is to rewrite or at least
clean up the implementation of minimum spanning tree. But I would like
to move all code relating to spanning trees into a new module called


In this way, stuff relating to spanning trees and minimum spanning
trees are organized in one file and many graph objects would be less
bloated with over 200 methods. Part of my reason for doing so is this.
Imagine you want to find out information about what spanning tree
algorithms are implemented in the Sage library. The top-level
documentation [2] of graph theory doesn't help at all. So let's try
the documentation for generic graphs: no. How about undirected graphs:
yes. How about digraphs: no. So you've looked through three different
documentation pages only to find out that minimum spanning trees are
only implemented for undirected graphs. But if code relating to
spanning trees were organized in


and advertised at [2], you could have saved a lot of time.

Another advantage is that we need not implement spanning tree code for
digraphs in the digraph module. The proposed module


should at least take care of the following:

* spanning tree algorithms

* minimum spanning tree algorithms: randomized algorithms, Kruskal's
algorithm, Prim's algorithm, Boruvka's algorithm

* implement the above algorithms for undirected graphs, digraphs,
multigraphs, multidigraphs

Comments, suggestions, and criticisms are welcome.

[1] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10433

[2] http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/graphs.html

Minh Van Nguyen

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