Hi Jason,

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:15 AM, Jason Grout
<jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> I worry that it is too confusing to have a min_spanning_tree function in the
> documentation of the spanning_tree module that is different than the
> min_spanning_tree method of a graph (different interface, more checks,
> etc.).

That is nothing compared to the case where we have implemented minimum
spanning tree for digraphs in sage/graphs/digraph.py. Now when someone
wants to maintain the minimum spanning tree code, the maintainer would
be looking into at least two different modules, namely
sage/graphs/graph.py and sage/graphs/digraph.py. If an issue affects
both implementations of minimum spanning trees, i.e. those in the
directed and undirected cases, what is the chance of someone fixing
both implementations in the same patch? The idea of centralization is
that there is one place where a maintainer would go to maintain the
relevant code. Scattering code for essentially similar functionality
across more than one file is a recipe for more work on future
maintainers. NetworkX was designed as a library and many of its
implementation of graph theoretic algorithms are not written as
methods of graph classes, but rather as separate functions and
organized in separate modules. To me this makes the job of maintenance
easier. But let's move beyond that argument as I get the impression
that it has failed so far to impress anyone, just as the argument of
method bloat has failed.

> How about an option 3:
> * directly import the spanning_tree.min_spanning_tree function into the
> graph/digraph namespaces.
> That way, spanning_tree.min_spanning_tree(G) is exactly the same as
> G.min_spanning_tree().

Here's an option that should preserve the current interface of
min_spanning_tree() while also allowing one to discover that method
via tab completion. Move min_spanning_tree() higher up the class
hierarchy and into sage/graphs/generic_graph.py. Once moved there,
leave the interface alone and proceed to clean-up that method as

* Handle the cases of digraphs, multigraphs, and multidigraphs.

* Handle weighted and unweighted cases of the above graph types.

Goodies like algorithms for randomized spanning tree constructions
should go into another module like sage/graphs/trees.pyx. I feel this
is really a time to declare a serious moratorium on adding new methods
to any of the following modules, unless there is a good reason to do

* sage/graphs/generic_graph.py
* sage/graphs/graph.py
* sage/graphs/digraph.py

Minh Van Nguyen

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