On Dec 29, 10:31 pm, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> Notice that there is an underlying ideology that vectors are rows:

Yes, I have noticed that.  Ties go to rows:

sage: matrix( [vector(QQ, [1,2,3]), vector(QQ,[4,5,6])] )
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]

But the above is the first example where I have been tempted to
suggest some optional keyword to cause columns to win the tie.  In
other words, I am writing instructions for beginning students on how
to use Sage for linear algebra and I've been surprised at how little
trouble I have had maintaining a column-oriented development alongside
Sage's row-oriented preferences.  Excepting the above - I want to
build matrices out of sets of vectors where the vectors become columns
(as optional behavior).

> sage: u=vector([1,2,3])
> sage: matrix(u)
> [1 2 3]
> sage: u.transpose()
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

If I were BDFL I'd ban the above.  ;-)  It converts vectors to
matrices without warning.  Implicitly says vectors are row vectors,
while for a 3x3 matrix A, the expressions u*A and A*u both compute
just fine and so there is no such preference here.  Can't have your
cake and eat it too.  If I were to "conjugate-transpose" a vector, I'd
want it to remain a vector, not get upgraded to an  n x 1  matrix.  Or
go entirely to a strict dichotomy between row vectors and column
vectors.  I'd default to implementing the proposed .star() as
returning a vector.

> I'm not sure how I feel about .star() yet.  I do think the .H property
> should be implemented, which would be consistent with numpy.

+10 to having .H

-5 to having to explain to students why you don't write it as .H()

Not as belligerent as I sound,
Rob  ;-)

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