On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Dr. David Kirkby
<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> On 02/16/11 03:31 AM, Eviatar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been monitoring TIOBE, a programming language popularity index.
>> Python has been experiencing extremely fast growth in the last few
>> months, rising to fourth place from seventh in a year, just behind
>> Java, C, and C++. It has also experienced the most increase in
>> popularity of any language in 2010. TIOBE uses search engines for
>> data, by the way, so the results are indicative of popularity in
>> numbers of searches, not necessarily usage.
>> I think this is an extraordinary success for Python, and can only be
>> good for Sage.
> I'm somewhat suspicious of that data. For example, Lisp is #14, MATLAB #29
> and LabVIEW #47.
> Do a job search on monstir.com or similar and see how many jobs want Lisp
> programmers compared to MATLAB and Labview.

They define what they are actually measuring here:


They claim all they are doing is a weighted count of the number of
hits for +"<language> programming" on

I just tried a few searches of the form +"<language> programming" on
just Google, and indeed Python is way ahead of many other languages,
but java/C/C++/.NET are way ahead of Python.  Lisp returns less than
10% the number of results as Python.

> I really can't believe that Lisp is ahead of MATLAB or Labview,

Indeed -- when doing the search "+lisp programming" and "+matlab
programming", definitely matlab comes out ahead.    However, Google
only counts for 33% right now in the TIOBE ranking.

So I think the TIOBE page precisely defines what they are measuring,
and I think it is at least reasonable that they are correctly
reporting their results.      The claim on their page is that what
they report "can be used to check whether your programming skills are
still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what
programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new
software system."


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