What's amazing is that on IRC the most talked about language is
Python. Next is Haskell. Go figure!

On Feb 17, 12:08 am, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Dr. David Kirkby
> <david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> > On 02/16/11 03:16 PM, William Stein wrote:
> >> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Dr. David Kirkby
> >> <david.kir...@onetel.net>  wrote:
> >>> On 02/16/11 03:31 AM, Eviatar wrote:
> >>>> Hello,
> >>>> I have been monitoring TIOBE, a programming language popularity index.
> >>>> Python has been experiencing extremely fast growth in the last few
> >>>> months, rising to fourth place from seventh in a year, just behind
> >>>> Java, C, and C++. It has also experienced the most increase in
> >>>> popularity of any language in 2010. TIOBE uses search engines for
> >>>> data, by the way, so the results are indicative of popularity in
> >>>> numbers of searches, not necessarily usage.
> >>>> I think this is an extraordinary success for Python, and can only be
> >>>> good for Sage.
> >>> I'm somewhat suspicious of that data. For example, Lisp is #14, MATLAB
> >>> #29
> >>> and LabVIEW #47.
> >>> Do a job search on monstir.com or similar and see how many jobs want Lisp
> >>> programmers compared to MATLAB and Labview.
> >> They define what they are actually measuring here:
> >>http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/tpci_definition...
> >> They claim all they are doing is a weighted count of the number of
> >> hits for +"<language>  programming" on
> >> Google/YouTube/Blogger/Wikipedia/etc.
> >> I just tried a few searches of the form +"<language>  programming" on
> >> just Google, and indeed Python is way ahead of many other languages,
> >> but java/C/C++/.NET are way ahead of Python.  Lisp returns less than
> >> 10% the number of results as Python.
> > .NET is one that surprised me. Visual Basic .NET comes in at #22 on the
> > TIOBE list. That's the first mention of .NET. Again, well behind Lisp.
> > There are over 1000 jobs on monstir.com mentioning .NET, compared to 2 with
> > Lisp.
> > So can anyone seriously believe that TIOBE's cliam:
> > "can be used to check whether your programming skills are
> > still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what
> > programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new
> > software system."
> > According to TIOBE's stats I'd be better learning Lisp than .NET, yet there
> > are more than 500 times as many jobs on Monstir mentioning .NET compared to
> > Lisp.
> > Note Mathematica is nowhere to be found. I have seen the odd jobs on Monstir
> > where Mathematica skills were desirable or needed, but they have been very
> > few. There are none at the minute. This is why I have some difficulty in
> > believing the claims from Wolfram Research about the number of users in
> > industry. The web site gives the impression Mathematica is used a lot in
> > industry, but that does not seem to be backed up by the number of job
> > adverts mentioning the tool.
> >http://www.wolfram.com/solutions/
> > Perhaps monstir.com is not the best source of information, but I think that
> > reflects current usage in industry more accurately than blog posts,
> > Wikipedia or Google can be. Lots of the information on these sites is very
> > old.
> Of course monster.com has a bias towards entry-level, high-turnover,
> and hard-to-fill positions. Perhaps Lisp is not high on that list
> because programming in Lisp doesn't burn you out as fast as
> programming with .NET, and it's easy to find people who want to code
> with Lisp? (People don't resort to monster.com until word-of-mouth
> advertising and internal referrals have dried up.)
> > I'm not disputing the claims about Python - I have no evidence to suggest
> > they are right or wrong. But I don't trust TIOBE's stats myself. I'm not
> > disputing they are an accurate from their data collection methods, but I
> > suggest their methods of collecting data are not very good.
> I think they're doing a very good job at describing precisely what
> they're measuring and then collecting/plotting that data. It seems
> that what you're disputing is whether the data they're collecting is
> *relevant* to "check whether your programming skills are still up to
> date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language
> should be adopted when starting to build a new software system." which
> could be a big topic of discussion, but I'd say it's certainly an
> interesting metric to look at (as are job posting statistics), and
> perhaps the trends even more so than the absolute numbers or rankings.
> - Robert

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